I’ve seen the world change
I’ve looked beyond the horizons
I’ve felt the pain and sorrow
I’ve also seen the change in people

I’ve seen people close to me change
in such a way that I’ve chosen to
distance myself from them
The truth behind their outer
was suddenly revealed and
I discovered their true selves

From that moment I knew
that the connection couldn’t
continue because the trust had been
broken and couldn’t be restored

The truth has finally set me free
even though that it hurts and
I’ve become lonelier than I
have ever been before

Lonely is preferable rather than
being deceived and led to believe
that it is an equal connection
with understanding and compassion

In true honesty I have discovered that
I’ve seen the change in people
I’ve felt the sorrow and pain
I’ve looked beyond the horizons and
I’ve seen the world change

(December 2020) ©