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En dag i 1990 kom de første ord til et digt, og det er siden blevet til flere. Digtene er min stemme i livet og kommer fra hjertet. Tanker og følelser der via disse ord falder på plads og er min måde at bearbejde de drømme, oplevelser samt det livet bringer med sig.

En stor passion i livet er musik. Uden den ville der ikke være ord, digte eller roen til at være i livet. Kærligheden til musikken er kort fortalt også en stor inspiration til digtene.

Copyright © Digterhjerte

Faith in spirits and the universe

Digte Posted on 12 jul, 2020 22:27:22

How to find the faith
that I have lost?
Where to find it
I don’t know

I don’t know where
to look for it
I only know that
I have lost the faith
in believing that
there is more to this world
than the eye can see

How to find the connection
to spirits and the universe
and the trust that they are
with you always?

Why did my faith
disappear so suddenly?
Why do I question that
there is more than meets the eye?
I don’t know the answers to
all of the questions that
has hit me at this time
I only know that losing
faith in this is very hard on me

How do I find the faith
in spirits and the universe again?
How do I find my way back?
I really need to find the way back
because I’m about to
give up on all things

(Juli 2020) ©

Being wrong

Digte Posted on 09 jul, 2020 18:53:47

The feeling of being
at the wrong place
was in me all night
I felt it in my body
and soul and I couldn’t
let it go

I heard all the things
that was said
I laughed and tried to
come with input but
still the feeling stayed in
my body and soul all night

The feeling of not
belonging in the group,
the feeling that I was
totally invincible and
not at all present
I felt it in my body
and soul and I couldn’t
let it go

Thoughts of being
wrong and not good
enough came back to me
for the first time in a long while
And I had to promise myself
that I won’t let it happen
to me again

The feeling is not new
I have had it for a while
but this night I felt it
so deeply in my body
and soul that I just couldn’t
let it go

(Juli 2020) ©

No one to trust

Digte Posted on 07 jul, 2020 22:25:47

Some days I look at the world
and feel that there is
no one to trust
but myself

Signs indicating that the trust
between people has
been broken and will
never be restored

Sometimes I feel
like I’m being betrayed
by others over and
over again therefore
there is no one to trust
but myself

Recently I have come
to discover the true
self of the people
who surrounds me.
That is why there
is no one to trust
but myself

I have just realized that I am
the only one in my world
and it feels so lonely
seeing and knowing
that it is me and me
alone who I can trust

(Juli 2020) ©


Digte Posted on 05 jul, 2020 13:46:27

Med tårerne trillende
ned af kinderne
får musikken lov til
at nå helt derind, hvor
de dybe hemmeligheder
og sårbarheden ligger

Sårbarheden får lov til
at komme op og ramme hjertet,
når det mindst venter det

Ord for ord og tone for tone
fylder musikken sjælen,
healer og hjælper med at
at grounde kroppen

En grounding kroppen i den grad
har brug for i denne tid
hvor sjælen er ramt dybt
af en manglende ro, tryghed
og tro på, at der er plads til at være

Plads til at være den, den er
uden de ydre påvirkninger,
der forsøger at ændre på
sjælens måde at agere på

Sjælen lytter og tager musikken
tæt ind til sig, så sårbarheden
bliver mindre i takt med, at
tone for tone og ord for ord
healer den og hjælper med at finde roen i at være

(Juli 2020) ©

Sjælens dybde

Digte Posted on 25 apr, 2020 22:00:06

Dine tanker om mig
får mig til at tænke,
hvad det er, du ser
i mig – hvad er det, der
gør mig så speciel?

Speciel i dine øjne.
Dine øjne, der ser dybt
ind i min sjæl og ser ting,
jeg ikke selv kender til

Du siger, jeg har meget
på hjerte, og meget
jeg kan lære andre
– også dig.

Du overrasker mig
med dine ord, og
du efterlader mig uden
ord at kunne udtrykke

Du trigger noget i mig
og giver mig ønsket om
at ville vide og lære mere,
fordi dine ord er så vise,
eftertænksomme og dybe
på et plan, hvor de
færreste kan være med

Dine ord viser mig din sjæl.
De omfavner mig, gør
mig tryg og tager min
sjæl med på en ukendt rejse

En rejse, jeg ikke var klar
over, jeg skulle ud på,
og kun tiden vil vise,
hvad den bringer sjælen
af dybere indsigt

(April 2020) ©

Mon âme – my soul

Digte Posted on 19 mar, 2020 20:14:41

Sometimes in the night
I feel the loneliness in
my heart so deep
that it feels like
it will be broken forever

The loneliness has
been there for
a long time now
not always so strong
but still it feels like
it will never go away

In that moment
I feel that you are
with me all the time
even though I feel
the loneliness so deeply

I know that you
mon âme – my soul
will always know
what the best for me is
and I try to listen to
what you have to say

I am on the right path
because you are with me
even when the loneliness strikes
and in the end
mon âme – my soul
you are the best in me

(Marts 2020) ©

Standing my ground

Digte Posted on 04 feb, 2020 22:39:14

Thoughts running through
my mind and
they just can’t stop.
What to do now?
The answer lies in the air
and my heart is filled
with such sadness
but I know I stood my ground

Wondering why there
were no signs at all
that it was as it was
Still my heart is filled
with such sadness
but I know I stood my ground

The sadness in my
heart is knowing
I’m not the only one
this has happened to
One part of me wishes
that everything could
be undone
But still my heart is filled
with such sadness
but I know I stood my ground

When I stood face to face
with it again I knew
that from that moment it was
out of my hands
yet my heart is still
filled with such sadness
but I will always stand my ground

I will be true to myself,
my heart and my soul
therefore I will always
stand my ground

(Februar 2020) ©

Good enough

Digte Posted on 19 okt, 2019 01:19:29

One day I heard your
words as you said them
out loud and many were
listening when you said
that it would never
happen again

Slowly I died inside
because I know that
I had put all of my heart,
soul and energy into this
favor I had accepted
to do for you

My soul got deeply
hurt by your words
and my thoughts
keep circling and
hearing them

A decision has been made
and for me to look after my
heart, soul and feelings I will
never put myself through
something like this again

Because I can tell you
that I heard you loud
and clearly – your message
got through and I understand
that I am not good enough

(Oktober 2019) ©

A total failure

Digte Posted on 29 sep, 2019 21:48:25

Looking at all others
seeing what they
do and have done
in this lifetime
and I just feel like
a total failure

Looking at all others
seeing what they
say and have said
in this lifetime
and I just feel like
a total failure

Looking at all others
seeing what they are
and who they are with
in this lifetime
and I just feel like
a total failure

Turning around
looking at myself
seeing what I am not doing
and haven’t done
in this lifetime
and I just feel like
a total failure

Looking at myself
seeing what I am not saying
and haven’t said
in this lifetime
and I just feel like
a total failure

Looking at myself
seeing that I am alone
and not with anyone
in this lifetime
and I just feel like
a total failure

(September 2019) ©

Standing still

Digte Posted on 08 sep, 2019 22:56:02

Once again
here on the
floor everything
and everyone
around me
is moving very fast
while I’m
standing still
in the middle

The feeling of
seeing everyone
moving so fast
living their lives
while I’m
standing still
in the middle

Seeing everyone
in conversations
with each other
while my head
is spinning trying
to find out
why I’m
standing still
in the middle

Why am I
standing still
in the middle
when my
feelings are
so divisive

Suddenly it
is over and
now I’m standing
in the middle
in the dark

(September 2019) ©

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