The feeling of being
at the wrong place
was in me all night
I felt it in my body
and soul and I couldn’t
let it go

I heard all the things
that was said
I laughed and tried to
come with input but
still the feeling stayed in
my body and soul all night

The feeling of not
belonging in the group,
the feeling that I was
totally invincible and
not at all present
I felt it in my body
and soul and I couldn’t
let it go

Thoughts of being
wrong and not good
enough came back to me
for the first time in a long while
And I had to promise myself
that I won’t let it happen
to me again

The feeling is not new
I have had it for a while
but this night I felt it
so deeply in my body
and soul that I just couldn’t
let it go

(Juli 2020) ©